Sunrise to Sunset

Sunrise to Sunset

  • Harvest To Bottle

For those clear County sunsets spent in the backyard with nothing but the summer sky staring down at you, a glass of Sunrise to Sunset is the perfect companion. This is our take on the traditional Spanish drink Tinto de Verano (think of it as a light Sangria) that can take a red wine and cool it off for the warmer days. Our main act? A bottle of Traynor’s Breakfast in The Vineyard Glou Glou, a light and juicy red wine that smells like a bag of Jolly Ranchers. To top it off  and to add some spritz we turn to a guest favourite — some Rieme’s Sparkling Pink Lemonade. The result — a low-alcohol wine cocktail that you can drink all-day long from sunrise to sunset.  




Step 1: Fill your glass with lots of ice!.

Step 2: Add the wine and the lemonade.

Step 3: Garnish and enjoy!.

This is probably one of the easiest drinks we’ve ever made but as tasty as always with hints of strawberry and minty, fruity notes. Wine cocktails are fun ways to try new combinations of ingredients that can be sure to please your taste buds when you are in the mood for something refreshing. Feel free to experiment with different lemonades and sodas — as long as you keep the wine to soda/juice ratio 2:1 you’ll never go wrong.

PRO TIP: For large formats just pour two bottles of Breakfast in The Vineyard and one bottle of the sparkling pink lemonade, add lots of chopped grapefruit and mint and you’re done! That’s it — go on and enjoy the summer.

We want to see how you’re getting creative with our wines and vermouth — be sure to tag us @traynorvineyard so we can share. Cheers!

