Meet the Team: Sophie Barber

Meet the Team: Sophie Barber

With a busy season ahead Traynor is excited to welcome Sophie Barber to the team! She is a master of all trades and chances are you will see her wo...
Meet the Team: JR McQuaid, Vineyard Services

Meet the Team: JR McQuaid, Vineyard Services

By now, you have seen the amount of work and thought that goes into the vineyard each season at Traynor Vineyard, to keep the vines, but also the s...
Meet The Team: Corrina Green

Meet The Team: Corrina Green

There’s a lot that goes on behind-the-scenes at Traynor that makes the winery run smoothly, and chances are Corrina Green had something to do with ...
Meet the Team: Assistant Winemaker, Richard Narayan

Meet the Team: Assistant Winemaker, Richard Narayan

If you have visited the winery over the last few years, chances are you have either met and chatted about wine with Richard, or he was busy behind-...