It’s already Victoria Day weekend. Time to now enjoy our extended business hours and long weekend crowds. One of our favourite parts of the day is meeting and greeting the various travelers from all over Ontario, and catching up with our regular locals.
Blooming vines! What a difference 4 days make in the vineyard. Not only have the leaves burst open, but on some vines, we’re seeing flower clusters forming already. A sign of good things to come for harvest!

I had a great visit today with new friends who were just taking the ‘slow way’ home from Kingston. Having never taken the Loyalist Parkway route, they chose to meander our lovely island and were in awe of the scenic drive, friendly people, quaint towns and delicious wines. Once I told them about Prunapalooza and Harvest here at TFV, they were all set to come back to spend more time with us. She had already found us on Facebook by the time they left with their new-found joy, Sauvignon Blanc!