For Eat Sake:  Interview with Mike Traynor

For Eat Sake: Interview with Mike Traynor

  • Michael Traynor

Last fall, our friends from For Eat Sake came to the winery and followed me around with a camera for a day. We first discussed having them come to make a promotional video in the early summer, but it took a while to come to fruition. When we were talking about when to schedule a visit, they asked if they could come on a day where there was some action so they could get "good shots'. There is always action at the winery. Even on a slow day, we are busy, but if you want the glamour shots, harvest is the time.

It was in the middle of harvest, and there was chaos everywhere. We had trucks arriving at thirty-minute intervals, and grapes were coming and going. We were in the middle of bottling our newest pet-nat. There were about a dozen fermentations underway. It was busy. In the midst of all of that, they managed to get me to sit down to do what I dislike the most... Talk about myself.

Thank you to Simone & Terence for putting this together!

